If you can dream it, International Swimming Pools can build it. Quickly!
Select from over 80 different Interpool stock design plans covering a wide array of styles, shapes and sizes, or let your imagination run free to design a pool that best fits your needs and landscape. Interpool makes pool components ideally suited to circles, arcs, French curves, as well as straight lines. The most imaginative designs can come to life as rugged, reliable structures. Built-in steps and in-water benches are easy and cost-efficient with Interpool's advanced manufacturing process.
We can work from rough sketches or from designer plans and deliver product faster, and more accurately than you would think possible. Once our computer-generated plan and detailed parts list are approved, the pool goes into production. All pools, even intricate custom models, are made and delivered to a domestic site in a timely fashion via our select distributor network (currently in the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest).
Interpool handles shipping to any location, domestic or international. Each panel is clearly labeled. Leading-edge manufacturing technology and our quality-driven people, who are instantly responsive if questions arise, help assure trouble-free assembly.

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